2024 Nations League B - Gameweek 1 - Ireland v England & Greece

Is the LoL league financially sustainable? No ye said it yourself. Can the FAI be trusted wil managing finances and delivering results? No. Why should we waste tax payer money into a hobby that we’ll never be world class at. Sure tis grand getting to a tournament for a piss up as we haven’t a hope of winning

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Sure they’ll be back cheering on the same English players next weekend in the Premier League.

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Good one mate

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I see you made a similar point. I knew a lad who who supported Liverpool, would be cheering on Steven Gerrard most weeks but then hated him when he played for England. All very odd.

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Thats the footix mate. Hero one week, panto villain next week, aint it.

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I’m pretty sure that’s how it works the world over mate :rofl:.

Do you think Italian fans applaud players that play in Serie A when Italy meet said nation?
You think Liverpool or city or Chelsea fans would be applauding their Portuguese players if England were playing Portugal?

We’re familiar with this duality in Kilmacud Crokes.

I’m not saying the should applaud them, I’m just noting that it doesn’t take much to swing between liking and hating players depending on who they play for one week to the next.

Irish soccer fans or some of them really are a shower of small time cunts. Booing anthems players and singing RA songs while they get their arses handed to them on the pitch. Beating Gibraltar is our level.


Perhaps because it’s generally a healthy enough global sport that allows people of all ages and sexes to play?
Being “world class” is nice, but generally unimportant.

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Based on that should the tax payer pump a load of money in or do you think investing in potential olympic athletes is better?

Olympic athletes like what? Horsey jumpers and dinghy sailors?
More folk play soccer than do athletics, never mind synchronised swimming, it’s more accessible, generally is better for team building, and looking at the greatest good for the greatest number, absolutely they should.

Fair enough i disagree, also focus on sports we could excel at that a arent BS like horsey dancing and b, genetic advantages are not so much of a factor like long distance races.

On governance and fund management i wouldn’t lend the FAI a fiver which also influences my decision

The FAI I see where you are coming from, but there are far far far more decent folk giving their bit in the fai than there are spivs like Delaney.

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You’re right there. Many passionate folk give a lot of time an effort for the love of it. I say they either ignore the BS of organisations involved and concentrate on their own team. Again i wouldnt disagree with funding local clubs through lotto and sports capital. Its the calls for massive money at elite and LoL level

Thread title updated for the Greece game.

Festy is IN

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Not with the structures there. Football has to sort its shit out…or you may as well burn the money. It’ll just go into a blackhole.


They are giving monies for clubs to build bettwr grounds and academies mate

And its working beautifully. I wouldn’t give those headbangers a bob. Making ten year olds do trials for places at their club…lol…


Waste of money.