2024 Nations League B - Gameweek 1 - Ireland v England & Greece


FotF Aodhán approached Big Niall to run for Labour in the next election but Quinny/Quinner politely declined.

A real sense of deflation after tonight. The first half performance was fairly good without being sparkling or anything. Had a better structure in attack & defence with the back four, but it’s not like we were creating a lot of chances. Still there were some decent passages of play & the players seemed to be more comfortable with the set up.

Second half unfortunately took on the pattern of previous games/regimes. Cheap concession(s), some poor individual errors & then a lack of guile/creativity to even earn our erstwhile regular 1-1 victory. We lost our way a little trying to chase the game & I thought Ferguson looked really short of match fitness when he came on.

Our problems are basic & obvious. We just lack quality in several areas & then it’s a case of robbing Peter to pay Paul, as they say in England. If you play two strikers then you leave an already weakish centre midfield exposed with only two in there & so on. Getting the balance & formation that best suits the players available doesn’t look a straightforward task.

But I hope Heimir is a quick learner - he should have seen enough over these games to make firm decisions on the status of a few players & I think we’ll see a 4-4-1-1 in the next games.


Stephen Kenny is like David fitz. It’s going to take two years for the players to recover.


Guerilla marketing from ITICA (Irish Traditional Italian Chippers Association).


Gleniesta gets it

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I think there might be a very good chance Ferguson has already peaked and is another terry Dixon.

Greece must be v good. Who do they have on the premier League ?

Is tallaght an option for the rest of the games

Footix alert

Guilty as charged

Looking forward to seeing how many lads they have with Brighton and Hove Albion and the progressive youth structure they have . We should model ourselves on Greece

The intellectuals play GAA.

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Like Kyle Hayes

Friend of the forum, and particularly @BruidheanChaorthainn Gavin Cooney coming up on OTB now

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Gary Neville managed Valencia and made a pure fuck of the job.


Those things aren’t related imo.

Neville was very good on sky until carragher got involved. Just turned into a man United v Liverpool dust up Everytime.

Interesting what happens with Tony romo now Brady is in the booth.

Roy, tell us again about that red card you got in 1998 etc. ZZZZZzzzzzzz

Hey there,

Isn’t it weird how our friend @Mac spent five years hounding Glenn Whelan to be kicked out of the Irish squad, and for the last two years, he’s been wondering why opposition teams keep scoring directly outside the penalty box? Quite ironic, isn’t it? :smile:


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They work for different networks - shouldn’t have any impact on Romo

This heimar lad seems exactly what Ireland don’t need now. A nice harmless sort of a chap with no profile and no intention of rocking any boats and no knowledge of the Irish players or irish football. The interest and enthusiasm among fans is at absolute rock bottom with no sign of any improvement. Just because he’s not Stephen kenny doesn’t make him any better. Hes actually just another Kenny. A harmless cunt with no respect from the players. Like ten hag his record is fuck all to write home about once you get past the soundbite of ‘he did well with ajax/Iceland’.
They 100pc should have hired Roy keane given the options available. Damien Duff as well would have shook things up a bit.
The FAI have made an absolute badgers bollox of it again.

Maybe but it’ll be interesting.

In Mac’s defense there was another poster here who regularly wanted Glenns legs broken.