A bit of cop on. Again

what about these transgenders that are springing up all over the place?
my opinion is they have hitched a lift with the gays and have bizarrely gotten away with it.
surely nobody belives these weirdos are born this way, and that they are just mentally ill or confused or seeking attention or maybe even running away from something.
a lot of these ‘people’ go through normal life, meet a woman, marry her, procreate, raise chilkdren, play daddy etc and then middle age hits and hey presto i always felt i was a woman in a mans body :smile:


ive changed from being a Roman Catholic to being a Maoist Catholic and all the way back


Over here they get treatment on the NHS to the tune of 100k.
I’m seething about this.

You have little enough to be worrying about so.

what if they change their mind again do ye give them another 100 to set them straight?

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I’m seething about lots of things, but with people short of cancer drugs etc, and hospitals all in debt, a debate should be had over this.
Do I want all my tax money to pay for this? Do I work all year for it?
No fucking way.



It’s tougher on people in need of genuine medical, social or psychiatric care who can’t get it because of this shite.


Since when did it become an either or choice? That’s specious reasoning.