A Doctor was crowned

Not a real doctor Joe

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Best thread title on the internet!

Dr Mouse, you’re a fucking gas character altogether


A strategic move to ensure that my views on Georgian Limerick being destroyed by ridiculous buildings housing rubby memorabilia are taken more seriously.

Unless you are referring to something else?

I had to do a double take as I didn’t recognise the name at first. It definitely makes you appear as more of a cunt alright. I bet you’ll get a credit card soon with the Dr prefix

No, no, no… In times of war one does what one must.

Its fascinating to watch. The cunt loves Georgian Limerick so much that he moves to live in suburban Cork. You couldnt make if up

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I love my wife more.




I’m very comfortable with that.

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I’m stuck in fucking manchester. It could be a whole heap worse.

I regularly mourn for you, comrade.

If it weren’t for the snappers I’d be out of this grim urban wasteland.

Do you not like Manchester? I’ve only ever visited it and it always seemed alright.

One thing to visit, another to live in a place.

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Not really. Have a nice enough life here, and it’s better than some places, but it’s just a bit, well, grim, swathes of it. England is overcrowded, hence you come cheek by jowl with too many cunts. As a corollary, you encounter an awful lot of nice people, but it’s just softer and quieter in Ireland. You can have national pride in Ireland (English sporting teams are hampered by a complete lack of it).
And this I’ll tell you, there is nowhere in England as nice as limerick.

