A god possibly?

By Jackie Cahill

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

DROMOLAND Castle Golf Club officials have revealed Waterford senior hurling boss Davy Fitzgerald struck a stunning hole-in-one at a par four hole recently.

Former Clare goalkeeper Fitzgerald joined an elite golfing club with an ace at the 266-yard par-four 15th after hitting a four-wood off the tee.

Dromoland secretary/manager John O’Halloran estimated that over a dozen holes-in-one have been recorded at par 3 holes since the spectacular Co Clare course was redeveloped 18 years ago but he believes that this was the first time it’s been done at a par four there.

O’Halloran said: “Davy has been a member here for 15 years. He has played everything from Pierce Purcell Shield, Junior Cup to Senior Cup. He’s an excellent player with a great attitude and if he was ever to take the game up as a professional, I could see him going all the way.”

[COLOR=“Blue”]Tis no coincidence that the small man from Clare practically brought us to the promised land last september but it seems his abilties have no bounds.
Never before it appears has a hole in one ever been achieved on this hole. it leads me to believe that we have the chosen one in Waterford at the moment, perhaps his wizardry has no bounds.

Fair play to Davy anyway is all i’ll say

I’m choosing not to bother my arse reading the above post, instead I thought I’d be more productive with my time and write this witty reply.

Incorrect cian, you were beaten by 30 points or something.

Davy is a false profit.

twas the promised land for as long as we were there, thats more than can be said for a lot of the spoofers here
theres always this year Bandage, as someone once said…they haven’t gone away you know…

Ah Jaysus Bandage was it necessary to remind Cian of that again?

I suppose it gives practically a broader meaning though.

why so SS*?
now do you mean profit or prophet?

[quote=“Cian Foley”]why so SS*?
now do you mean profit or prophet?[/QUOTE]

Ask the county treasurer

Fucking hell

About what exactly?
Typical of fellas here, one shot and gone, expand man, expand!!!

[quote=“Cian Foley”]About what exactly?
Typical of fellas here, one shot and gone, expand man, expand!!![/quote]

What sort of lepjack thinks getting hockeyed by 30 points in the promised land?



Very challanging course that Dromoland Castle with their 266-yard par fours

Any truth Davy had to be rescused from the hole while trying to retrieve his ball?

In fairness that is a nice little hole, tempting to go for it, but a world of trouble over teh back and bunkers all round.

Davy is a very good golfer and won a couple of rounds of the South of Ireland a couple of years ago.

Oh yeah, I nearly forgot, fuck off Cian.

[quote=“Cian Foley”]By Jackie Cahill


Didn’t Jackie Cahill ghost write Davy’s book for him?

That happened me once.
I got over it though.
No point whinging over having no face.

Yours etc,