A new low for Israel. How low can they go?

Don’t know if its being reported but the BRICS nations are trying to negotiate a ceasefire and talks, while biden and ursula are in full carpet bombing mode


This made me laugh

:ru::writing_hand::israel::crossed_swords::palestinian_territories:Russia offers to mediate Israel-Gaza negotiations, Putin says ‘no alternative’ to 2-state solution

:boom: Russian President Vladimir Putin announced his offer of Russia acting as a mediating power in negotiations between Israel and Hamas militants during a Kyrgyzstan summit on Friday.

:boom: "What matters now is to stop the bloodshed,” Putin stated.

:boom: Putin previously attributed the Israeli-Palestinian conflict as a result of U.S. foreign policy in reference to settlements in Israel.

:boom: “Settlement mechanisms have been established, but the United States has neglected these mechanisms over the past few years and decided to regulate everything on its own, did not use these mechanisms and in recent years has relied on meeting the material needs of the population living in the Palestinian territories,” Putin said during a forum with Iraqi Prime Minister Mohammed Sudani on Wednesday.”

:paperclip: SOURCE


You’d hope the Israelis would listen to Vlad? He is trying to de nazify Eastern Europe after all !!

Russia can be the adult in the room

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The IDF postpone the invasion due to a few dark clouds.

Meanwhile, the Ukraine army fighting tooth and nail through endless minefields and trench complexes in every weather condition imaginanible for two years.

The IDF aren’t up to this. Should stick to carpet bombing refugee convoys.

What are you talking about? You were blathering on about the upcoming glorious all conquering spring offensive until it kicked off in the middle of july

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Sounds like they won’t invade?

They probably will have to - or at least Netanyahu will have to - but I seriously doubt anyone in Israel actually wants to. If America had a hard time in Fallujah you can only imagine what will happen to the IDF in Gaza. Most of their forces are bumbling reservists and Hamas are well dug in.

How many Israelis will we grant asylum to? Can we take 20k

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Bizzare. That was obviously an excuse as they were under pressure from the US and UN to postpone.

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Is the Samson Option off the Israeli table ?

Still no invasion.

The IDF are populated by a load of part time reservists, they will get absolutely annihilated in Gaza and they know it, bring it on

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Calling for a ceasefire is worng, disgraceful and repugnant. I’ll hazard a guess that grandpa joe doesn’t have grandkids in gaza

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What did they hope to achieve by attacking Israel?

A massive, brutal response from Israel that ended up gathering more sympathy for the Palestinian cause?


Jacob Stienberg has really disgraced himself on twitter.