A new low for Israel. How low can they go?


That twitter profile has posted a lot of unverified crap so tread carefully

more of these interviews from Be’eri will come out - this man i think needs to be listened to
there are very few publsihed accounts of what happened there aside from testimonies of the guys who went in to collect bodies and the parts that were left…the worst one of all was of the family who were tied up and found with fingers and eyes removed, but id imagine there are many more
tbh i cant listen to any more of them really… but this man has a story to tell

Would be very interested in your summary of where things are now?
What sort of support has the attacks on Gaza amongst the general population?

ah look they’ve been going on since spring, after he brought in his version of juidcial reform that paved the way for his series of undemocratic moves to consolidate his own power to keep him immune from prosecution whilst he needed the support of that lunatic ben Gvir and the ultra orthodox to keep him in power.
But you also now have the element of the hosatges, the families are getting more and more vocal in Israel and want answers, also there was a complete failure of the security of the state on 7/10.
The man is fucked

Will the fact they are now on a war footing mean he will just stay in power by default? Is it likely he gets removed while offensive on Gaza is still on going?

hey, ill reply with a proper summary but on Netanyahu
right now there is a " unity war cabinet" involiving the MOD, him and Benny Gantz the leader of the opposition who has been trying to basically have Netanyahu put in prision for the last two years.
Gantz is a former Ramat Kal ( army chief) and is seen as a steady hand if something like that exists in the current environment…

i often roll my eyes when i hear guys like Leo saying the Israeli reaction looks like revenge, if it was actual revenge, Netanyahu would have had the entire air force wipe out the strip in 72 hours, he’d had called the hostages collateral damage and said it was for the security of the state that Hamas were eliminated … and tbh i think he would have had serious support internally as that man in the clip above testifies…lads the israelis were ok with the status quo, i know fellas here cant get it but in the south it is perfectly normal to be dodging rockets from Hamas, to be in and out of safe rooms and being part of whattsapp groups that had rocket alerts in them… every two years there was a proper flare up, Ashkelon/askeaton got a kicking, the IDF bombed a few schools and both sides claimed victory…happy days- in 2014 when my son was born it got hairy as the rockets reached the center of the country, but we got on with it as well, you go a bit mad at times but you get on with it…however now there is the acceptance that Hamas are different, they are supremely organised and the state failed…christ the israelis thought they were focusing on their economy, they increased their daily work visas from gaza into israel but in the fucking kibbutz where these guys came to work every day they came in on 7/10 and massacred all around them…

Gantz is all that is standing between the situation now and total anarchy- he would be making most of the calls here, Bibi still gives these ridiculous speeches to his supporters about crushing Hamas but he knows he cant do that with the hostages in the tunnels…
all netanyahu will do is resign , maybe… when this is all over tho if he is still PM and dosent go the country will collapse into a state of extreme social disorder between pro and anti netanyahu

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Would you put any stock in the Hamas claims that lots of the hostages have already beeh killed in the air strikes and fighting ?

no you couldnt put any stock in any Hamas statement really, about anything - i think if it was true they’d release names…Hamas need the hostages tbh as it’s their main bargaining chip-
The soldier who was allegedly rescued by the IDF last week is very odd- now there is no way Hamas would release a hostage who is a soldier as they got 1500 prisioners for Gilad Shalit in 2011… but there are stories in Israel that she was logged into FB last Friday, the IDF did need an early morale booster there and she has been totally taken off the media circuit


the IDF losses are getting really big tho, all young lads and girls in their 20’s…now they never publish official numbers but the news sites do air interviews from family members- the lost 300 on 7/10 when the x3 bases were overun - the soldiers are all just viewed as kids really in israel, its more families destroyed however- does that harden the resolve to defeat the enemy or are people thinking this is a another waste of young life … ? thats it

Thought they’d been doing relatively ok in terms of casualties in Gaza? What are they up to now?

Seems to be little said about what was done to the folk in kibbutz.

Good, because he’s a warmongering supremacist crooked cunt.
Yitzhak Rabin’s missus was spot on. That fucker loves Hamas.

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daily news in Israel since 7/10 is wall to all obituaries and funerals for these folk in tandem with the hostage situation - that includes a fucking 9 month old child
I hate to say this but ill say it, the massacre in Be’eri, the scale of it, im not talking about the shooting at the rave now, im talking about the rape, murder, torture, etc at be’eri, kfar aza and ofakim may not exactly fit the narrative lads that we want to see here in our daily news… CNN touched it, C4 news did and paris match but no one else really…Hamas are by and large i think seen as some form or freedom fighter like the IRA/ETA , etc… people could maybe sympathise with their rockets but this?? i actually think the state of Israel still hasnt come to terms with it… let alone fucking Ciaran Mullooly on RTE news… they are still identifying bodies at the morgue on Ramle, people had their faces shot off… its fucking insane lads… there were lads here saying the irish fella whose 8 year old was murdered was odd… ill tell you this lads, no one of us here has ever seen what that man saw on 7/10…

In israel, the army are doing a job, people by and large are aware of the civilain impact in Gaza but just like folk here may be aware of what happened in Be’eri with Hamas they might kind of turn a blind eye to it… instead they focus on the school flattened, its an easier case to support… similar in israel, that school flattened in Gaza… well me personally, ive a work colleague pal who was shot, the Mrs knows a couple dead but im what 3000k, away…might be easier then to turn a blind eye to the army doing what the army do…now put yourself living next to that…being in school with a friend who had his tongue cut out…working with a lad who saw his 13 year old daughter raped in front of him and him left alive to deal with the horror… lads the israelis by and large only see one solution here and it dosent involve diplomacy


This is it. It’s not like they went in and shot a few people and that was it. It was the torture etc, the Palestinians themselves need to get rid of them but it’s probably worse it’s going to be.

Trouble is Gaza is not the same as Hamas. Sin e.



I understand all that. Hamas have to be got and sometimes war means civilians just end up in the crossfire, cant be avoided.
I suppose the idf would just as soon bomb an Israeli school/hospital built over a hamas tunnel as a Palestinian school/hospital? Thems the breaks…

Islam, Judaism, and Christianity espouse varied stances on retaliation, such as the concept of “an eye for an eye” or the ethos of turning the other cheek. I have no doubt religions emerged as societal tools to refine human behavior, akin to mirrors revealing our higher nature and spiritual connections. Regrettably, the present carry on in the birth place of modern day religon displays a failed efficacy of contemporary religions in guiding and elevating humanity. The foundational tenet of humanity that an innate goodness is inherent in everyone appears to have been relegated to the recesses of collective neglect.