A new low for Israel. How low can they go?

There was nowhere near 300 killed at the Nova festival, I saw around 30 killed in the bar area on a video, that was about ti Iā€™d say, they might even have been actors, all those cars outside were blown apart by Apache attack helicopters, thereā€™s no way Assault rifles and RPGā€™s caused that damage

I think youā€™re right. The whole thing was a setup. A mouse couldnā€™t move in the Gaza Strip that their satellite surveillance doesnā€™t know about.

They knew the Palestinians were coming, let them in and glossed it up. Gives them an excuse now to do what they always wanted to do; level Gaza.

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And they managed to make an hour long movie on it to show the world in no timeā€¦

All the alleged rapes and beheadings were a load of Israeli fabrications too if you ask me

Hamas has been needling them tbf but not enough for this reaction.

It appears the fractured political landscape & Benjiā€™s lust for power at any consequence allied to his fear of prosecution are big factors in this scheme.

To see so called media personalities, journalists & politicians within Israel calling as they are for Gaza to be levelled, for the indiscriminate killing of civilians and basic termination of the state is alarming.

The propaganda used to turn the country so far to the right considering events of WW2 is worrying.

Can a state willing to do what theyā€™ve done actually exist in the region?

There are back stories and differing opinions for another day but undoubtedly the actions of Russia invading Ukraine emboldened the poise of Israel to do this.

People can point to the Oct 7th attack as the main reason but imo it was used as a perfect sideshow to set their wheels in motion for what followed.

Residents along the border & kids at an Anti War festival were seen as cannon fodder for what has unfolded.

There were interviews of residents taken hostage who claimed they were treated well and only when the Israeli army arrived did actual battles ensue.

When these interviews were listed they were written off as Pro Palestinian supporters or Aid workers.

Youā€™re worse to be replying FFS.

It was just a music festival. Beside the Gaza, the open air prison.

Everyone can return to the North once the operation is over


Wasnā€™t it a Peace Festival?

Orthodox Israelis werenā€™t exactly happy with it afaik

It was an Israeli edition of a trance music festival.

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Israeli mentallers wouldnā€™t have been happy with it going ahead Iā€™m guessingā€¦.

ā€œ What is forbidden during Sukkot?

On these days, much like on Shabbat, most forms of work are to be avoided as a show of reverence to God. Specifically, all activities normally forbidden on Shabbat are also forbidden on the first two days of Sukkot with the exception of cooking, baking, transferring fire, and carrying things around. ā€œ

I expect elements of Israeli society would not have welcomed a three day rave, no.

Obviously there is absolutely justifying or condoning the attack that happened, it goes without saying. But there something very wrong to me about having a music festival within earshot of a two million people walled off in an open air prison.

Hmmm. Thatā€™s an unfortunate omissionā€¦


That reads like a first year CSPE student wrote it

Casualties mounting for the IDF over the weekend.



You can multiply that by at least 5

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