A new low for Israel. How low can they go?

Was a lot bigger yesterday



Beclown is a lovely word.


Hamas might as well execute any Israeli hostages they still have. Israel have made it clear they want to wipe them out so they’ve nothing to lose now.

Israel has proposed banishing the Palestinians to an artificial island.

I believe the Nazis proposed putting all the Jews on an island too.

What’s left of Gaza? They surely
Steam rolled the whole place now.


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Yes . Reinhard Heydrich planned to shift all Jews to Mozambique.

IDF lose 24 in one day.

An Israeli military spokesperson said 21 soldiers were killed in Maghazi refugee camp in central Gaza when two buildings they had mined for demolition collapsed after militants fired grenades at a nearby tank. Reports in local media said explosives set by the soldiers detonated prematurely.

They died doing what they loved - trying to exterminate Palestinians.


Rot in hell

Literally anybody can be indigenous to Palestine except actual Palestinians.


ITV News captures the wanton slaughter of a Palestinian man by the IDF in heartbreaking detail.


Groups of Israeli citizens with Israel flags gathering to block aid trucks to Gaza.

Israeli media has a self imposed media blackout on the humanitarian situation in Gaza, civilian deaths etc. Every few days they print new details of the Oct 7 attacks.



Good to know there are at least a small minority of Israelis who actually care about the truth and recognise that what has prevailed inside Israel about the events of October 7th is a wild west of rumours, half truths, speculation and lies. But their voices seem very marginalised, and anybody outside Israel who doesn’t unthinkingly accept their propaganda about what happened is immediately smeared as an anti-Semite.

Mehdi Hasan was recently forced out of MSNBC by the way and there’s no need to explain why.


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Can you imagine a similar discussion on U.S. or UK TV?

Is he suggesting they’d be less or more truthful?

It’s a backhanded reference by Hasan to his own ousting from MSNBC which was obviously because he is a Muslim and was covering events in a way supporters of Israel did not like. The way I see it is he’s saying that there are small pockets of Israeli media who are more prepared to challenge Israeli propaganda than the entirety of US and UK television, which seems completely cowed by Israel and thus adopts a default pro-Israel line. I think there’s probably something in that as I haven’t even seen Channel 4 News - which is the UK’s best news programme and the bravest in terms of challenging Israel in general - offer much if any challenge to the Israeli propaganda line about what exactly happened on October 7th.


Meanwhile Robbie Keane is over there managing one of their football teams while the Israeli savages wipe out Gaza.

Robbie Keane wins first silverware as Maccabi Tel Aviv manager

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