A new low for Israel. How low can they go?

I name checked Reagan above in error, corrected it after looking up the para Iā€™d read, quoted above.

The shift in approach since those days is insane.

They were money lenders as Christianity prohibited interest for a long long time. Islam still does.

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Most Israeli propagandists donā€™t even faux rhetorically ā€œaskā€ whether anybody who objects to genocide supports Hamasā€™s attacks on October 7th, they just come straight out and accuse them of doing so, like @Tierneevin1979 would do.


What makes Israel so particularly nuts or evil do you think?

They piss all over the real historical lessons of the Holocaust in order to carry on like the Nazis, like ISIS, as an act of revenge against a non-involved third party.

They distort and ridicule history in a 1984 style manner. They laughably pretend to be fighting for democracy and freedom as they perpetrate genocide.

They laughably group themselves with Ukraine as being a cause deserving of international support. Ukraine didnā€™t invade anybody and didnā€™t oppress anybody. Israel occupies, invades, viciously oppresses, and uses vile propaganda and blackmail to get its way, just like Russia. The fuckers even refused to support Ukraine because they didnā€™t want to ruin their alliance of criminality with the Russians.

Yeah but why are one particular country or type of people such cunts? Hitler generally gets the blame for nazi Germany is there just something about Israelis that makes them like this or is it just a few people to blame?

I donā€™t see much difference in mindset between Israelis, Russians, white South Africans during apartheid, racist Trump supporters and the DUP/Loyalist mindset.

All five have built their identities around oppressing those they see as inferior to them in every way, while at the same time constructing a fantasy reality where they are at the same time eternally oppressed.

This is the mindset Gript and the rest of the far right are trying to colonise Ireland with.


Youā€™re leaving out a fairly major piece of context there.

I havenā€™t left out anything mate. Itā€™s a three paragraph post on a forum FFS sake, not a book.

Ok m8.


When the Ra did it it was bad

When the Israelis do it itā€™s suddenly good



MDMC is a great bit of stuff


Will he do a whiparound for the 180 grand?

Itā€™s always about the money with muldoons. You know the cost of everything but the value of nathin.

Thatā€™s because we donā€™t solely rely on the dole and methadone handouts mate.

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The descent of the well respected historian Simon Schama into apologism for genocide is grimly fascinating to watch.

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David Baddiel was right. Anti - Semitism is the only acceptable bigotry. Some outrageous posts.

David Baddiel put on blackface and ridiculed Jason Lee for having a ā€œpineappleā€ on his head.

If lads like you had been around in the 1930s in London youā€™d have been marching with Oswald Mosley and trying to run the Jews out.

Instead, youā€™re in 2020s Dublin and desperately trying to portray opposition to genocide as anti-Semitism.

Genocide will always be acceptable to the likes of you.

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Harsh statement.