A new low for Israel. How low can they go?


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An Irish company? Thought we didn’t have an arms industry

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A lot of intelligent posters, and Art, appear to be taking @Feech_La_Manna’s satirical post very seriously


Energy efficient at least

A nation of cunts

Oh the humanity

Led GIF by Ledfon

Analog make microchips that go into bombs.

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Just seen a video on X of A Palestinian hit by Iranian missile debris. Jesus, how unlucky could you get…

How’d you know he was a Pali?

The Sun.

The most beautiful women in the world also.


Not suitable for work. Kids. Or public transport.


That is barbaric

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The Israelis just invaded trying to kill them :person_shrugging:t2:

No, kill them by all means but there is no need to slap the shit out of the corpse afterwards. The IDF have pulled this stunt in the past and it’s equally reprehensible


It’s terrible, is killing them not enough?

I’d say the dead fella really felt that last kick.

They’ve picked on the wrong army now.

The Irish will stay and then put in claims left right and centre when they get home !