A new low for Israel. How low can they go?

This sort of thing?


A reminder of the time when Tim Riggins was pro genocide.

What the Western media likes to ignoreā€¦

Meanwhile FF and FG were platforming a zionist in government buildings yesterday. One of the many hypocrisies of the west.


Isnā€™t she one of the rugby set?

Think so.

She brought her granddad to the rugby match a few weeks back so I suppose the IRFU cabal like @Tim_Riggins are very much pro-apartheid.

Israelis are bombing Gaza tonight apparently

Panic erupted at Israelā€™s Ben Gurion Airport after an American family presented an unexploded shell at the security checkpoint. They wanted to bring it home as a souvenir.

Fucking Sepos :grinning:

24 mins ago (07:11 GMT)

Journalist recounts moment Abu Akleh was targeted by Israeli forces

Shatha Hanaysha, a reporter who was traveling in the same vehicle as Abu Akleh, told Al Jazeera about the Israeli army was adamant on shooting to killā€.

ā€œWe were all wearing vests and helmets,ā€ Hanaysha said. ā€œWe were four journalists in an exposed area. There were no confrontations or shots being fired by Palestinian fighters.ā€

The Israeli army was stationed in front of them Hanaysha said, and behind them was a wall.

ā€œThe occupation army did not stop firing even after she collapsed,ā€ she said. ā€œI couldnā€™t even extend my arm to pull her because of the shots.ā€

The Israelis are pure class

An arrogant bunch of folk from what I gather. (The Israelis)

Just the 6 children murdered by Israel this weekend.

Whisht will ye.Unfortunately nobody cares about the poor Palestinianā€™s.They have no oil or wheat.Basically locked in an open air prison.

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Absolute wankers. Arrogant assholes.

Israel is basically Russia. They behave in the same way and have been doing so for 70 years.

Itamar ben gvirā€¦

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admins im calling this a TFK scoop- where else would you get this 2 years ahead of time??
ben gvir is now in the israeli cabinetā€¦ the fucking cabinet
netanyahu compiled that ultra hard right coaltion featuring ben gvir et al and now with that mish mash can call a majority and keep himslelt immune from prosecutionā€¦

guys, Itamar ben gvir is an incredibly dangerous man, he was /is a member of Kach who are a banned terror org in israel and the US and cited brauch goldstein as a heroā€¦
he also played a role in rabinā€™s assassination and leads otzma yehudit who now call themselves a religous party to radicalise the working class into far right extremisimā€¦

netanyahu will give him carte blanche now as he needs those fuckers for a majority
war is imminent and also you will see incredible levels of societal unrest within the country- not alone will that bollux be immune from prosecution , ben gvir and shmolovich will lead some draconian efforts to push religion into secular lifeā€¦ they do this very cleverly- using the exact same tactics as sinn fein in that they will exploit the cost of living to get sane people on boardā€¦ then theyā€™ll set up gatherings in a synagogue, before you know it lads are wearing those coloured kippahs and abadonig the appartment in tel aviv for the subsidised house in some social project in the west bank where all ben gvir is doing is furthur using these folks to beak up palesitine, netanyahu will sign off the annexationā€¦ to live there youā€™ll need to keep shabbat - then like we saw in april 21 in the face of repeated anagonisation theyā€™ll provke an few arab terror attacks and then ā€¦ bangā€¦ weā€™re doneā€¦ sane folk become radicalised right wing victims of terrorims, ben gvir beats his drum and they all follow in

if biden dosent stand up to this the man is a fucking dunce


Haā€™aretz at times can be sensationalist nonsense but anyway

ā€œIā€™m still not prime minister,ā€ Ben-Gvir said as polls gave his party between 14 and 15 seats. People who voted for the party, he said, "want to walk safely on the street, not to have our soldiers and police officers restrained, [and] seek to completely separate those who are loyal to the State of Israel and those who undermine its existence."

those who undermine its existenceā€¦essentially referring to the opposition who they see as leftists (leftist in this context would refer to those who encourage dialogue) or arab israelis who are right wing usually in their own views but anyway

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this is good
Netanyahu is the guy who almost formed a coalition with the Arabs last time, now he turns to these two maniacsā€¦ Netanyahu dosent care, he just wants to be PM to be immune from prosecutionā€¦ and he will play whatever tune is needed to stay in power
the man is some operatorā€¦ look at the language Ben Gvir and Shmolich use, its pure working class, football terrace , coucil estate vulgarity- they dragged these people out to vote and now because of their share can use Bibi to put them in a position of power and influenceā€¦ but he still is the man making the government

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Stellar on the ground knowledge.