A new low for Israel. How low can they go?

Can we get a little quiz going on whether certain things are anti-semitic or not anti-semitic?

Let’s start with this:

If hypothetically, somebody said, “most Israeli food is basically slop that you would feed to pigs”, would that be anti-semitic or not?

Maybe @anon7035031 might give us his view?

Aren’t you forgetting someone??

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Yourself, maybe?

On the surface it’s just ignorance as Middle Eastern cuisine, including Israeli cuisine, is uniformly excellent, and healthy. To examine it from a racist perspective, is it racist to say “most food eaten by black people is slop you wouldn’t feed to pigs”?

Was Sergio Garcia a racist when he said of Tiger Woods “we’'ll serve him fried chicken” or Fuzzy Zoeller “or collard greens or whatever the hell they serve”.

As a foodophile I would say insulting the cuisine of any ethnic group is racist.

That’s just edgy humor, although somewhat confusing given the statement from the same poster that words cause genocide. It’s also eerily similar to something a Hamas supporter or member might say.




Meant to say English.


It’s the one exception I make. I don’t think you could possibly insult English food enough.

Jesus, mary, Joseph and all the saints wept

So, we’ve determined insulting Israeli food is racist.

How about “Kill all Jews”. Is that racist?

Maybe you only want to kill jews when you’re drunk?

Maybe he meant germs and his thumb slipped

Disappointing either way

If meant in sincerity, it definitely is.

Consistent sincere denials of outright anti-semitism, which you are squarely guilty of, are definitely anti-semitic.

I don’t want to kill anybody, pal.

Which significantly differentiates me from your good self, who wishes to exterminate Protestants.

Anything less than that makes you Ruth Dudley Edwards, remember.

I wouldn’t kill any prod, not even my second wife

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In other words sorry about the holocaust lads, but you really need to get over it and trust that Hamas and their supporters are not being sincere when they say kill all Jews.


You say tomato
I say you’re a racist. No you are. I know you are but what am I?

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