A new low for the Dept of education

Letter from today’s Irish Times:

The Leaving of Londonderry

Madam, In what appears to be yet another example of attempts to re-British the Irish State, this years Leaving Cert geography paper contained a map of Ireland with a place called Londonderry on it. I contacted the State Examinations Commission and they confirmed that Londonderry was specified on the Ordinary Level Geography paper for 2009.

The reason given by the press office of the State Examinations Commission for this unacceptable reference to Derry was that the map used was sourced in an online document from the European Society for Geography. Perhaps the Department of Education might wish to comment? Yours, etc,

TOM Carter,

Delaford Lawn,


Dublin 16.

Tom Cooper is a regular letter writer to both the Times and the Independent, he must have a lot on time on his hands.

Shocking stuff from the Department of Education, can we nominate someone from the Dept for IOTM I wonder…

Southerners mess up yet another exam. Shock, horror

How do the exams work up north larry?

how do you mean?

Are they the exact same as the UK syllabus or is there any difference?

Syllabus for 6 counties is largely same as England and Wales but different to Scotland mac.

Whats your opinion of that larry? Would the Southern syllabus be a better option?

Think the Revised Primary School Curriculum (Southern Curriculum) is indeed very good yes Mac. It would be very similar to the Scottish syllabus actually. Lot depends on other factors also obviously. Not sure in relation to secondary schools