A new low for the GGA- fuckin west brit cunts


:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Thatā€™s just pure idiocy. Either by the GAA or by Oā€™Neillā€™s or by both.

Thats a dam cool jersey.

But why would such a sophisticate like yourself be on a GAA site like that?

:lol: [quote=ā€œRocko, post: 446731ā€]
Thatā€™s just pure idiocy. Either by the GAA or by Oā€™Neillā€™s or by both.

has to be both- the GGA has their name on it so have to take some credit :lol: :lol:

reminds me of the 73 limerick version.
pure class.

Apart from the huge error of course.

:rolleyes: :rolleyes:

are you as fuckin thick as the GGA & Oā€™Neils?

Its the style iā€™m on about, but had to enlarge to notice.

Boys if yeā€™re going to take the piss out this jersey at least do it properly. Given that every GAA club in the country has an ā€˜Irish Officerā€™ and the association itself purports to promote the language, surely the misplaced ā€˜fadaā€™ on the jersey is the big story here?



Oh dear.

thats what we are talking about*

apart from kevin & treaty

I presume thats what the lads are on about.


flesh out what you meant by ā€œhad to enlarge to noticeā€


ah come on
who hasnā€™t heard that before?

Iā€™m blind with the light turned off and the laptop. Didnā€™t notice it till i enlarged.

I actually thought ye were on about the word Eire being used at all.



Whereā€™s the misplaced fada? Maybe Iā€™m blind but I can see one in Ɖire where itā€™s meant to be.

NCC badly exposed here!
SS** played it lovely as well, by reeling him in to make an even bigger fool of himself.