A new low for the GGA- Gaaliban scum

come on fake crake…poor…very poor response…you’ve regressed these last few months…

I believe the name of the organisation that NCC believes is full of paedophiles is “The Roman Catholic Church”, or “Church of Rome”, with its headquarters in Rome, Italy. We can deduce from this that the headquarters of world paedophilia is Rome, Italy.

So this explains his obsession with Roma…NCC you are a disgusting piece of work… :frowning:

[quote=“sid waddell, post: 484597”]
I believe the name of the organisation that NCC believes is full of paedophiles is “The Roman Catholic Church”, or “Church of Rome”, with its headquarters in Rome, Italy. We can deduce from this that the headquarters of world paedophilia is Rome, Italy.

archbishop crokes comments on forming the GGA

And, unfortunately, it is not our national sports alone that are
held in dishonour and are dying out, but even our most suggestive
national celebrations are being gradually effaced and extinguished,
one after another as well. Who hears now of snap-apple night, pancake
night, or bon-fire night? They are all things of the past, too
vulgar to be spoken of except in ridicule by the degenerate dandies
of the day. No doubt, there is something rather pleasing to the eye
Appendix 5
Dr. Croke’s Letter
in the get-up of a modern man, who arrayed in light attire, with
parti-coloured cap on and a racquet in hand, making his way, with
or without a companion, to the tennis ground. But for my part, I
should vastly prefer to behold, or think of, the youthful athletes
whom I used to see in my early days at fair and pattern, bereft of
shoes and coat, and thus prepared to play at handball, to fly over
any number of horses, to throw the ‘sledge’, or ‘winding- stone’, and
to test each other’s metal and activity by the trying ordeal of ‘three
leaps’, or a ‘hop, step and jump’.
Indeed if we continue travelling for the

poor sledge doesn’t deserve that… :unsure: