In the light of the current advertising campaign where bronzed turkeys appear every 5 minutes, I’d like to take the opportunity to alert folk of where one might procure some cushty looking products for fuck all.
They don’t have turkeys or hams but “Aliexpress” have 100m+ products at staggering prices. Just log in to see for yourselves, taking care to assess the sizes of garments should that be your fancy. The Boxty grandchildren will be amazed with the quantity if not quality of the shit he’s garnered from watches to jewellery for less than €20. I even procured 3 shirts in what I took to be the @Bandage style for €35.
I’m not taking any responsibility for fuck-ups in ordering incorrect sizes of Nike trainers for €25.
Hostile response considering it’s cunts like you I’m trying to assist. You’re off my Christmas card list you miserable gimp and I’m considering redacting your birthday greeting.
And if you’re flying out of Dublin and are considering French cuisine (in solidarity of course), buy your croissants in SuperValu. €3.50 for a fucking pastry!!
Has anyone on here actually bought and received clothing or electronics from AliExpress? Is it any use?
I assume anything with a brand name is a knock off?