A query on hindsight

From the Indo.
“Ex-SS man charged with 58 murders”.

Apparently he was part of a team in the SS that took 58 Jewish people to the woods and shot them.

My query is that is the lad a monster or was he just following orders. If he didn’t do what was asked what would have happened?

If the US had not turned the war around then would this even be common knowledge today?

My main query here, is that if it’s ok to charge this guy with 58 murders for something he did as a soldier then what about Nagasaki and Hiroshima and should all those involved in that decision be taken to task.

Personally I think the guy commited murder, but whats the difference between that and what the Israelies are doing or what the brits and americans or the IRA were doing?
It’s all murder.

Yours etc,

I believe Glen the insane fast food manager from Waynes world put it best…
"Why is it if a man kills another
in battle it’s called heroic,

yet in the heat of passion
it’s called murder?" :clap:

The Rocko is Gay option is going to skew the results.

[quote=“Watchyourtoes”]I believe Glen the insane fast food manager from Waynes world put it best…
"Why is it if a man kills another
in battle it’s called heroic,

yet in the heat of passion
it’s called murder?" :clap:[/quote]

Ah but if you kill someone in the heat of passion you’ll probably get off or get manslaughter at least, make sure you charge manslaughter though.

It will only skew the topic if people think that Rocko having his nuts massaged is more important to the world as a whole than a 90 year old guy being charged for something he was told to do 64 years ago.
It’s nip and tuck really as to which is more earth shattering.

Yours etc,

[quote=“Garda Sean Horgan”]It will only skew the topic if people think that Rocko having his nuts massaged is more important to the world as a whole than a 90 year old guy being charged for something he was told to do 64 years ago.
It’s nip and tuck really as to which is more earth shattering.

Yours etc,

It’s fairly clear cut if you ask me.

I’ve gone for the “No, Soldiers follow orders, he is no angel but can’t be singled out” option.

I have decided that, yes, all nazi’s should be hung.

Then I voted that rocko is ghey.