A shocking cycling statistic

It’ll do fcuk all good if you’re run over by a lorry.

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I couldn’t for the life of me understand why you would want to dissuade anyone from wearing a helmet on a bike (not that I own a helmet, or indeed a bike for that matter) so my curiosity led me to click into that article. Reason 5 summed it up for me:

Too many issues with pro-helmet research

Are anti-helmetters the anti-vaxxers of the cycling world?

I would never dissuade anyone from wearing a helmet, but the country in Europe with by far the highest bicycle usage also has the least amount of helmet wearers.
There is a belief that mandatory, or heavily promoted, helmet use discourages people from cycling.

They also probably have the highest amount of segregated bike lanes

So build more lanes

The infrastructure is there in NL and the country is flat as a board. It’s easy for Dirk van Bike to tip off into Den Bosch for a few Heinekens without arming himself to the teeth.

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It’s a bit like fishermen who don’t learn how to swim.

The Dutch are too tight to buy them

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More like fishermen not wearing a life jacket to be honest

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Lads don’t be so worried about other fellas helmets, it’s not a good look.

Only a wanker wears a cycling helmet.


Like a car driver not wearing a seat belt.

It’s nothing like that at all.

Like a climber not wearing a safety harness.

You seem to think a helmet stops motion.

They were good enough for Vikings

What kind of bikes did they cycle?

What kind do you think

Tan lines.

Free climbing is the only way to climb.