A thread for the forelock tugging soup taking munster men to apologise

It’s not an “analogy” mate. Hypocrisy is the word you’re looking for probably.

:lol: :smiley:

KIB man was totally and utterly clamped here.

Now now gentlemen and simpleton (Kev)

Why are you assuming that the financial performance of a football club should be sole benchmark for judging the manager of the first team’s performance?

Why are you assuming that keeping a side in the league, any side, it seems automatically gives a manager a right to say he has ‘created’ insert magic million figure in revenue? A nonsense argument put forward by the simpleton and aped by followers of a simpleton it seems.

I would say that the best way to judge the performance of a manager is to see how they did with the resources at their disposal - finance, players, level the club is at etc

For Mick McCarthy - second season in the league and with Hunt and Fletcher having been purchased for decent money, O’Hara on loan was hardly cheap wages wise - I would say 40 points was poor. A two point improvement from last season but going nowhere under him really. Other similar sized clubs - Stoke, Bolton are well ahead of them. Keeping the team barely in the league with the players and other resources at his disposal isnt a great result. The goalkeeper and defence remain in a perpetual shambolic level, O’Hara saved a piss poor midfield when Milijas was again a disappointment, Jarvis came strong this year while Hunt and Fletcher finished well but struggled most of the season. The misuse of his best player Kevin Doyle is poor management also. I dont see any young players breaking through from their academy or much hope for the current squad to improve. I can only forsee another season of struggle with McCarthy at the helm. I think they would be better off looking at someone like Chris Hughton.

Martin O’Neill (OBE from Londonderry and Norn Iron) had a different level of resources available to him than McCarthy so a comparison between the two is ridiculous. Similarily it would be silly to compare the amazing job Ian Holloway did at Blackpool, despite relegation, and the amazing job Alex Ferguson did this season winning the league. I’ve gone over this countless times but bringing Villa no further that 6th with the crazy amounts of money he received (80m net spend) was not a good return. Unlike McCarthy he also had a good level of players come through from the academy in many cases he let go (Cahill, Davis, Ridgewell) for players on huge wages that were no better (Davies, Knight, Shorey, Warnock, Sidwell). He did a decent (ish) job with the resources he was given but no more. Sure he ‘created’ revenue for the club alas revenue didnt cover the cost of his efforts, nor did the lack of progress. It was time for him to go as his ego wouldnt let with work with a more constrained level of resources. He has had fun realising ‘his net worth’ over the past season with a job offer from West Ham (bottom of the table) seemingly being his only opportunity to get back to work.

Sure the state of Aston Villa’s finances is ultimately a matter for the board who shouldnt have let MON have such control but when judging MON’s record at Villa and his legacy obviously you would take into account what money he was given. Same as why I think Ian Holloway has probably been the manager of the year in the league considering he was operating on a shoestring budget with the worst squad of players possibly in EPL history yet they finished with 39 points which would have been enough to stay up most season but unfortunately not this one.

Jesus :o

He is more stupid than i first thought. The amount of contradictions in that is quite fascinating.

Watching this Trump doc on rte. Jaysus the Scots are worse forelock tuggers than the Irish

a detestable bunch

I don’t know though, the minister and the dancing girls was fairly shameful too. Politicians. :oops:
