A thread for the forelock tugging soup taking munster men to apologise

to mick mccarthy

its beautiful that the week that the people of munster were bunting for eliabeth windsor that the man they despise more than anything kept wolves up in theEPL

Mick McCarthy - best manager in the EPL.


In fairness, NCC mate, I think this thread should be confined to union jack waving Cark cunts. The whole province of Munster shouldn’t be sullied by those shocking images of women in ‘rebel’ Cark holding Union Jack mugs and aprons.

As for ‘The English Market’…deary me. Why oh why did the Brits not hang onto Quisling county Cark instead of the rebel six?

:clap: :clap:

Worst managers in the EPL - Houllier, Grant, McCarthy. McLeish won a Cup at least. The injury to Scott Danns was crucial for them. Some collapse though. That’s the second time McLeish has taken them down. Will be interesting mixing the Europa League and the second division.

Pathetic last day from Wolves too losing at home to Blackburn.

It’s remarkable as a former defender, his complete inability to organise a back four. His use of Kevin Doyle as a defensive forward is also very strange.

Still I backed Wolves to stay up at evens when they were bottom months ago so all is not lost.

Handy ton on Blackpool to go down

fairly shit apology

What utter lies. Please post up the betting slips.

McLeish won a cup but cost his club upwards of 30M, whereas Mick made his upwards of 30M. I’m not sure how your company judge Management performance, but i think Mick won that one.

Moron. :rolleyes:

Mick McCarthy made his club 30m :lol: He is an utterly shite manager as is McLeish. making money is the responsibility of the board. Im not sure what criteria your flyer business uses to judge the performance of your handerouters but it should reflect how many flyers they hand out rather than how you manage the books.

Im pretty sure if go back over the EPl thread, you will find my long term punts. Laying Chelsea at 1/2 when they were walking the league, Backing blackpool at evens to go down and Wolves earlier in the season. They were some that didnt play out either, West Ham to stay up for one but again its a successful season for the senior football pundit. Proving you wrong again doesnt do much for my ego anymore. I’m happy with the 750 bucks in my Betfair account this morning that I can blow over the upcoming Queens birthday weekend.

But sure yeah Im kidding noone that I’m back living in Ballymagash aswell :smiley:

Embarrassing stuff from the ‘rebels’ alright.

Yes, staying up makes Wolves at least 30 M, going down would cost them at least that much. Thus there is a 60 M turn around between the 2 clubs. Mick McCarthy was the manager of the team who got them playing for their lives over the last few weeks to survive. They survived KIB, it doesn’t matter by how much. B’Ham went down, mainly due to the fact that their manager couldn’t turn their heads after the Carling Cup, and they lost some vital momentum from that win and the subsequent celebrations.

Not sure how that is so hard to understand, you suggested McLeish was a slightly better manager cos he won the Carling Cup, yet Mick is the man who is sitting pretty toady. Avoiding relegation is his target at the start of the year. Target achieved. McLeish was targeted with Top 6. Enough said.

Also i need to see betting slips, otherwise your continued status here as a gross bull shitter will continue unabated. Your some man too, its gone from 100 to 750 in 30 minutes. Thats some savings account you got with work.

The financials are immaterial. McCarthy didnt make his club 30m as you suggested. Or the 60m turnaround, a number invented by Sky no doubt. You seem to have half digressed from this point. An interesting debating tactic but Fetac standard nonetheless.

Wolves stayed up by a point, it isnt some great triumph for the second season in the EPL and after spending decent money on Fletcher, Hunt etc the target should have been a lot more than 40 points. Losing to fellow relegation candidates Blackburn at home on the last day was diabolical.

I think McLeish is a better manager than McCarthy, I also think Martinez is a better manager than Steve Kean (who finished a point ahead of Wigan). I think you were the poster on here that was targetting the top 6 for BHam which was nonsense. its a disaster for McLeish alright but its hardly glory for McCarthy.

You need a lot of things, a sense of basic cop on and some level of intelligence would be a start. Once you prove to the forum, you have possessed them then I’ll throw up a screenshot.

That right there is your problem, thinking you have something to prove to an Internet Forum.

get some friends will ya.

Says the man staying up til 3am to backtrack on an internet forum :smiley:

3 AM? It ain’t 3 AM where i am fella. Might be where you are though.


FAO Fisty - can you update the TFK diaspora register

As senior foreign correspondent for TFK, Willdo mate.

Kev, can you confirm which of the world’s leading metropolitan centres you are currently residing in without a Sat Nav?

KIB - When you get a chance can you explain to me why Aston Villa’s financial situation was Martin O’Neill’s fault but Mick McCarthy isn’t entitled to any credit for the revenue he has guaranteed for Wolves?

I backed McCarthy to the hilt mate

:clap: :lol:

Well done, gutted it didn’t cross my mind first though.

Because by using that analogy, the revenue MON ‘created’ came nowhere near covering what he spent. Simples