A thread to post stories or things that you believe never happened

You listening to QuicklyKevin?

Who? Never heard. It came up on my timeline

Bad form assuming the Doctor was a him.

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This is a great thread.

I have all the right friends in all the right places.

That story in Freakonomics about the names, a child called Shithead, pronounced Shuteed and siblings called winner and loser. None of that happened


Is nominative determinism a cod ?

Your kid must read Twiiter a lot as this shit has been all over it @backinatracksuit


It most definitely happened, perhaps she head it on the radio, certainly not on twitter.

Iā€™m not stupid enough to knowingly try to get something like that past the scrutiny on TFK in the knowledge of the backlash itā€™d get

But Iā€™m giving her the benefit of the doubt


Every time you lie the baby Jesus cries.


They did have it in the swimming a good few years ago. Some black* African fellow finished about two lengths behind everybody else.

*As some of ye know black people canā€™t compete at the top level in swimming because their bones are too dense. The same is true about cycling I believe. But Iā€™m not exactly sure how this works as they can push around their heavy bones fairly well while running.

Eric The Eel he was called.

Ok, can someone flag this for racism


That leaves Nature as the only reason left standing.
Black people are said to have denser bones and muscles than white people making them less buoyant. They also naturally have less body fat, at least the fit ones have less, also making them less buoyant but also meaning they have less insulation in the water which may cause their muscles to chill faster and lose power.
Thatā€™s all the explanation thatā€™s needed, it explains the observed reality . Black people then are worse swimmers than whites for the same reasons they are better at track and field, itā€™s in their biology.

That whole Eddie the eel thing was nauseating

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It was Eric

Eddie was the eagle

I tried to encompass the sentiment