A thread to post stories or things that you believe never happened

Excited Season 4 GIF by The Office

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What did I tell you pal, he’s not in a good place.

And I dont mean Cork.

Anyway, out of respect to you I’ll leave him be.


Nicola needs to understand the coach development index. Her son is proof it works.

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the coach probably told the interfering mom to FOAD rather than dropping him

I believe her. Fuck that cunt.

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He wouldn’t have scored 3 past Marie Crowe’s son


of course not, sure he wouldnt even have been allowed out

Which one?


martin is a bit of a cunt for using @balbec s linkedin profile pic

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Someone should tell Edward on the effects of drugs.

I’d two friends at college who went out wearing white shirts and let on to be trainee pilots in Shannon.
They pulled every night, or so they told us mere mortals anyway.

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Éabha seems to be a needy, attention seeking fuckwit.



Look at the bio…

Assertions confirmed.

The misogynists took their time getting out of the scratcher today.

I’m pedal to the floor here with assorted issues. I can’t be expected to cover all eventualities.

Does #enddp mean what I think it means?