A thread to post stories or things that you believe never happened

Fair play to him knowing the capacity of a Luas and going round with a clicker to count everyone.

Must have been tricky with people getting on and off.


Ewan can be relied upon for the curt reply.


Dry your eyes Ben


And being able to have a conversation with the driver. Sounds like something that never happened in the fucked up world of the zero covid mentalists.


Sayimg what are all thinking

You misspelled a word there.

This wan seems to have replaced that Kildare wan as the most irritating Irish Twitter user

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She has a platform apparently

Both fascinating and sad to see people who have obviously deep psychological problems and needs unaddressed, to create this stuff every 3 weeks or so to get attention.

Lots of morons praising her and egging her on too. A sharp reminder of the disparity of real life and Irish Twitter. Bonkers. Problem is, a lot of people belive this stuff and back it up and windy desperate politicians put it in their play book to sort it out and make a cunt of day to life for everyone else.

A depressing day on the island with the opening up cancellation in motion, the rain, and this flute.


You’d want to check her Instagram page - has no self confidence issues anyway

Another Soc Dems wokester


The only other person who has got as much grief on their walkabouts was Jesus Christ of Galilee.


Maia Dunphy and SJ Murphy would beg to differ

She might have a chance of keeping her nice handy number if she actually shut up.

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I’d like to go on record as saying that’s a bit aggresive on my part. I’m sure she’s stuck into TFK on the hour, every hour.

I think she’s a fradulent human being who places self advancement over truth.

Is that enough, your honour?

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We’ll need to create a word for the Jackanory that people engage in on Twitter to draw attention to themselves.

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Particularly this bit

A crowd gathered and reigning Hurler of the Year O’Gorman drew a wave when he shouted ‘Up Dublin! Come on Ireland! Croke Park!’ at the heavyweight.

O’Gorman nipped to a local shop to buy a camera and recalled: “I said to his bodyguard, is there any chance of a photograph? He said, ‘You’re welcome to but he doesn’t speak that well so be careful’. I got in beside him and got the photograph taken and of course I couldn’t do nothing but just put my hand up on his shoulder and say, ‘Ali, Ali, you’re the greatest, you’re the greatest!’ Would you believe it he put his hand on my shoulder and he says, ‘Larry, I was the greatest but you’re the greatest now!’”


I could well believe Cassius saying that.

A well known fan of the mid 90s hurling championship, so he was