A thread to post stories or things that you believe never happened

I know a guy whose kids got covid during the CBS Nenagh outbreak. He didn’t get it then. He has since been fully vaccinated and this week he has caught covid and is pretty sick with it.
You get to find out how lucky/unlucky you are by being vaccinated.

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Pull yourself together you fanny


I’d guess that’s what every fanny has done all your life.

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I was told shut many a times. Rightfully so. But I imagine these days it’s more difficult to deal with students like that, without losing your cool. I certainly wouldn’t be able to do your job

The vast majority were moribund in any case. Fret not.

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When you get to his age you won’t be atin many peaches either

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I choose to believe


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I thought so too initially but we got video evidence on this one.

Shur I tried to tell him

You listening to QuicklyKevin?

Who? Never heard. It came up on my timeline

Bad form assuming the Doctor was a him.

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This is a great thread.

I have all the right friends in all the right places.