A United Ireland

Did you make a point that you were expecting or hoping Iā€™d counter? Blabbering on about the act of Union :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:ā€¦ The change of hour has done you .

You really should be exported to Africa as an antidote to drought.

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You havenā€™t even engaged with what @RaymondCrotty said there, youā€™ve just gone off on one yourself. He was talking about the southern treatment of northern nationalists and unionists and said that we need an Ireland where all traditions are respected. Youā€™ve given a response attacking loyalism as evil, which is hardly controversial and hardly something that Raymond Crofty doesnā€™t know. You seem to think that we shouldnā€™t have an Ireland where the unionist traditions are respected.

You are talking shite, typically.

You do not respect a tradition by pretending it is something it is not ā€“ namely, democratic.

But by all means fluff away to your heartā€™s content. Just do not expect anyone with a sliver of wit to think you are one step above morons such as Tommy Conlon.

I feel like an unwanted child watching his parents screaming at one another.
Please stop.


Do yourself a favour and put away your secondary school history books and go get some air.

@Malarkey is the stupidest cunt on TFK, heā€™s the poster who knows the least about life and about himself.

Malarkey 's very odd and sinister comment to @Tim_Riggins about what is "sensible"
A few months ago he burst onto the coronavirus thread like a fart in an airplane and started attacking anyone making anti-lockdown arguments as a far-right corporate shill, a psychopath, etc. This led naturally into an argument with Tim, whom he dismissed, partially on the grounds that Tim was too posh and rich. In the course of this Malarkey threw out a very strange and sinister comment. Tim wanted a country where the rugby boys were on top, he said, but Malarkey wanted a culture founded on garlic and hurling and any ā€œsensibleā€ person would agree with him.
@Malarkey, I know you probably donā€™t even remember the comment but thatā€™s just not what ā€œsensibleā€ means. For starters why would the private school boys sensibly want to give up their privilege? Thatā€™s the opposite of sensible. Secondly, itā€™s a regular enough occurrence in corporate Dublin for big deals to close in the vip lounges and corporate boxes of the Aviva/Lansdowne during big rugby games (Iā€™m not making this up). Sensibly when I arrived in Dublin first I should have started following rugby. The reason I didnā€™t is because Iā€™m not an entirely sensible character so I stuck with the gga and BIG and didnā€™t completely integrate. But fundamentally thereā€™s no real reason why gaelic culture is inherently better than anglo-saxon culture or why nationalists have an inherently superior culture to unionists. There are obviously enormous historical immoralities with unionism but thatā€™s just history.

Your ā€œsensibleā€ comment reminded me of the old Derek Mahon poem, ā€œAs It Should Beā€

"We hunted the mad bastard
Through bog, moorland, rock, to the star-lit west
And gunned him down in a blind yard
Between ten sleeping lorries
And an electricity generator.

Let us hear no idle talk
Of the moon in the Yellow River.
The air blows softer since his departure.

Since his tide burial during school hours
Our kiddies have known no bad dreams.
Their cries echo lightly along the coast.

This is as it should be.
They will thank us for it when they grow up
To a world with method in it."

Anyone who disagrees with us are basically insane.

Malarkeyā€™s laughable and utterly delusional belief that he could have had a long career with the Irish Times
The funniest thing youā€™ve ever posted was your story about how Tom Humphries ruined your career at the Irish Times. Let me tell you this straight pal: you are extremely bigoted against Unionist and Tipperary people. You could never, ever, ever have had a long career in the Irish Times. You are utterly deluded about yourself and the world if you think that was ever possible. F Scott Fitzgerald said that by aged 30 a man must know exactly what heā€™s capable and not capable of. You donā€™t and youā€™re a failure.

I should say myself, following on from my ā€œI didnt get into rugby because Iā€™m not completely sensibleā€ comment that I have personally come to accept that there are certain places and organisations in this country that I respect and where I would make a lot of money but just arenā€™t a good fit for me and where I would be unhappy in the long run. Iā€™ve also made some small pragmatic changes to myself and to my outlook. Iā€™ve listened to the people Iā€™ve met and Iā€™ve come to understand, respect and even like them on their own terms. But at least Iā€™ve studied myself and the world and come to accept it all. Youā€™ve just invented some hilariously bullshit story about how you could have made it big and been successful acting a complete cunt and never having to change or learn only for Tom Humphries fucked you over. Youā€™re a joke pal. Grow up.

A short note on John Rawls
You have a habit of just saying ā€œJohn Rawlsā€ like it wins any debate about balancing rights. Iā€™m not going to get into an in-depth discussion on A Theory Of Justice because it would go on gor thousands of words but it does not. There are even chapters in A Theory of Justice that specifically deal with and justify civil disobedience. Fundamentally though, we are not dividing this cake of Irish society from a blind initial standpoint. You knkw perfectly wellbefore we start that youā€™re a grumpy old cunt with no interest at your age in meeting people or starting a family. You just donā€™t care if thise rights are impinges because you personally donā€™t need them.

To summarise, FOAD.


It was a good piece from Brolly. He was bang on about our ignorance of daily life for a nationalist up there and instead we focus on SF/Ira to wash away the guilt.
Hard to believe he never voted SF though considering his auld lad was a councillor

I think everyone sees who has a hand me down version of Irish history. You cannot even grasp the implications of that point about the Act of Union because your ā€˜mindā€™ is geared to clichĆ©. You might read Patrick Wormald on the foundations of English/British law. Not that you would.

I suppose you could call it frightening someone like you teaches History. But what ultimate matter, even though you would be better deployed to Africa. Vicious mediocrity is omnipresent and ā€˜Sinn FĆ©in will be the largest partyā€¦ Etc, etcā€¦ā€™

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Oh dear.

I enjoyed reading that shite, which makes a change.

Stick to The Dimster. He is your level, just about.

Bula bos, so to speak.

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Knowing all we do about Joe, itā€™s not even remotely hard to believe

Youā€™ve jumped in here and invented an argument I never made. Iā€™m not contesting anything youā€™ve said about the act of Union, nor did I read half of what you wrote to be honestā€¦who does? We, or at least I, was talking something more abstract than the political or geographical nature of the country. We were talking about Irish identity you ham and how Southerners seem to think they own the monopoly on what constitutes Irishnessā€¦as usual, this is just an exercise of you jumping in to show how clever you think you are.

FYI @Tank, I will be saving any further comments on a United Ireland until after the Covid-19 vaccine rollout is completed and the conclusion of the British Lions tour to South Africa. Iā€™ve too much going on the INTERNET at the moment to get into this shitfight.


Malarkey in fairness to you you obviously are a bit older than a lot of lads here and sustained a serious pain in your hole listening to the revisionist Kevin myers conor cruise o brien declan lynch view of history and Irishness as a younger man. Its not a very common view at all any more though. You seem to think tank Thomas Brady and Raymond crottys points had something to do with it when they were nothing of the sort. Youā€™re arguing with and criticising what you wanted them to say not what they actually said.


Thats a proper Dā€™Arcy right there

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Everyone of us would agree that Loyalists and extreme unionism is a horrid institutionā€¦ Weā€™ve all moved on from that old shtick and realize thereā€™s an emerging middle ground up north and to meet it fairly we have to address some of our own shortcomings, we canā€™t have it all our own way.


I disagree strongly with this. Unionist ā€œcultureā€ is a short-lived and short term anachronism built upon negativity and hate. Sensible moderate kind people are not embedded other than superficially in it (a bit like going to mass on Christmas day for some reason you canā€™t quite fathom yourself)
Irish, or the southern Irish have an irritating propensity to intimate that their culture is better than anyoneā€™s, which it ainā€™t, but itā€™s as good as most.
As an aside, thatā€™s an excellent article from Joe Brolly, the best he has written in years in my opinion.
I think theyā€™ll struggle to get the Tories to continue paying for NI long term. The Tories have no interest in fairness.


Not all unionists buy in to the absolute version of it tho.

We would build a team around Steven Davis & Kyle Lafferty


Great post .

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