Abortion Referendum Thread

Daly should stick to giving mick wallace a leg up over the airpirt fence.

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If God and religion are not a factor why is it that Ireland is the only civilized country that denies reproductive rights to women? Your beliefs are straight from the RC copybook, identical to Mickey Harte, the IONA Institute and Opus Dei.

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Doesn’t Niamh Nic Mhathuna have neo-Nazi links through Youth Defence?

Telling that the No side offers up such a renowned headbanger to bat for them.

She’s been a laughing stock since 1992.

My beliefs are based solely in the principle that the murder of unborn babies is selfish, barbaric and inhumane.

Yes, but only a religious nutter would refer to the termination of an early stage pregnancy as murder. It’s the same barbaric hatred for women that saw hundreds of them being herded into concentration camps, the kind of Ireland you pine for. It’s little wonder that your role model is Mickey Harte, who spoke highly of an animal that savagely attacked a disabled woman and left her for dead on the side of the road.

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Here’s a bit about Niamh Nic Mathuna. She’s a fucking headbanger.

Niamh UĂ­ Bhriain nee Nic MathĂșna,(born 1970 in Cork) is an Irish pro-life activist and Catholic policy campaigner and lobbyist. She is prominent on the campaign against abortion rights in Ireland in 2018, in which she claims that religion is unrelated to her beliefs.

Youth Defence
See also: Youth Defence
UĂ­ Bhriain co-founded the anti-abortion campaign group Youth Defence.

She spoke at the Catholic event, Meeting for friendship among peoples in Rimini, Italy, alongside far-right party Forza Nuova founder and their leader Roberto Fiore in August 2000.[5]

You sang songs about kids getting blown up on a boat by the IRA, you did the same with Warrington. You justified the abduction and execution of a mother of 10. You mock people with Down’s syndrome.

I’m glad you don’t have a vote.

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You’re rabbiting on about religious nutters again, you can’t contain your bigotry at all. It has nothing to do with religion and once again you’re discussing everything but the issue itself.

No I didn’t.

You did.

I did not. Like that other crackpot, @anon7035031, it’s all the Yes side are good for - smoke and mirrors from the real debate at hand.

You are a hypocrite. It’s easy to point out what an utter scumbag you are. So spare us your incessant waffle.

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Is this true!!!

I’m not denying there are people who are not religious and also morally opposed to abortion. However those people typically don’t demand that abortion be outlawed, and women who have abortions be charged with murder and imprisoned. The only ones who use such language are religious nutters, such as yourself and your cohort.

You’re not discussing the issue, you’re personalising it and telling lies about me.

You’re still talking about religious nutters. The vote has nothing to do with religion.


I am discussing the issue.

I am also merely pointing out what an utter hypocrite you are when you pretend to have such care for the unborn.

You have a track record of celebrating kids getting blown up, mothers getting abducted and murdered, making appalling comments about children born with HIV etc etc.

Spare us your bullshit.

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Yes it does, as equating the right to life of an embryo to a girl or woman is a religious argument. Only a country that blindly follows religion and doesn’t understand the concept of separation of church and state could insert such a clause into it’s constitution.