Absolute cuntfests: a log

I don’t give a fuck mate. People die on the road all the time.

People are dying from hunger, in Ireland in 2019. That’s higher on the list.

ok, point of order here, if there is relevant background information that will change the nature of the discussion such as this, it should be stated as early as possible into the discussion

It has a congestion charge though.

Ah jaysus, even I cycled to UL. Sometimes I did it with no hands.

:open_mouth: Esteban?!?!?!?!?! Wtf

So you’re an irresponsible wanker.

One guy on a bike, versus the thousands that are starving and homeless and you’ve got dickheads lying down in lycra outside city council.

Self serving wankers

The heads of 100 of Dublin’s largest companies have written to the Minister for Transport calling for the introduction of the Greater Dublin Cycle Network

Have they written asking for better living accomodation for the city? Have they fuck

again, you dont get this simple fact, we are asking for 20% of the transport budget

Contribute something so.

Get a license, learn the rules of the road and insure yourself against damages to a third party.

Then come back and talk.

yes mate, income tax goes towards the transport budget

some figures for you, from the government

Financial Benefits: The government’s National Cycling Policy Framework (2009) estimated that for every €100 million invested in cycling in Ireland, a staggering return of €400 million could be obtained. Cycling promotion is exactly the kind of investment needed during a recession. Key financial gains include reduced expenditure on health, on cars, on road surfaces, on expensive and polluting fossil fuels, on traffic congestion (estimated by the EU to cost 1.5% of GDP, a figure exceeding €2 billion/y in Ireland), and increased tourism revenue from eco-tourists. In Scotland, a country of comparable size to Ireland, it was estimated that if 40% of car trips were shifted to bicycles, the country would benefit by £4 billion/year.


ok, that last post is GAME SET & MATCH

More SEGREGATED bike lanes

A lot of estimates in there. What’s the source?

The government mate

That would be a tfk first.

Which report?

Are you purposely avoiding the fact that youve no license and haven’t learned to ride safely and use the road with all users of the road?

And if cyclists learned these skills they wouldn’t need to be fucking segregated

Just one small point of order. Scotchland is not a country.


Now I’m all for cycling, but that is some top, top fingering in the air right there.

I’m not against cycling. Just don’t act like a pompous arsehole because you decide to cycle.