All-Ireland Football Championship 2022

Derry for Sam

Derry like their goals. Pound men, to use a phrase beloved of a particular (current) sports journalist.


Power from McKinless.

do the bridge field any teams in football?

Great goal. Straight of a kick out

Sweet baby j…

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Clare would be as well off puttinh the No2 in goals

Clare will always let you down.

Great point wiped out there.

Why do you say that? Were you expecting Clare footballers to beat the Ulster champions?

Absolutely not, they had a team for a short while donkeys years ago but it was set up under a different name.

It could be me but I’m thinking that the Clare goalie goes to ground far to early. He certainly isn’t performing any heroics out there. Of course the sextet in front of him aren’t able for the power of the Derry runners. McGuigan has a lovely citeóg on him. Natural talent.

Ah no, not at all. But they’ve put in no sort of a performance here at all.

“I wish I was back home in Derry” doesn’t work at all as a chant.

The Derry supporters are telling us they’d rather be at home watching this game on television, or perhaps not watching it at all.

And how goes that translate to relying on them to let you down?

Agreed. Derry have gone high every time and generally that favours a keeper if he stands tall.

4 goals gone in, take off the corner forward.

You’re thinking about it too much.

He does indeed. He’s not a shot stopper and his kick outs are poor. I’m not sure what he has going for him. And he looks ridiculous with those socks pulled up

Something I doubt you could be accused of