All-Ireland Football Championship 2022

Took that well. Thought he was going to fuck it up

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In my lifetime only Offaly, Donegal and Armagh have won the All-Ireland in years ending in 2 and given that Offaly were sensationally dumped out at Fortress Wexford Park in the first round of Leinster, you’d have to fancy the winners of this to win the All-Ireland.

Jarly Óg has a had a great game.

Almost comically easy clinching goal.

Looks like a serious disconnect between Donegal players and the tactics their management team wants them to play …theyre soulless on the pitch …

That’s a great score from Turbitt.

This game was done the moment Bonner subbed McBrearty

Thady would have been happy with that one.

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Someone from Donegal is going to kill someone before this ends.

Some lowering of the blade going on.

Armagh fans getting the ole oles going already.

Getting close now

Donegal are depressing.

That’s all 4 provincial losers out?

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Grugan must be the bounciest player in football in terms of his style. It’s a lovely, effervescent style he has.

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Geezer has built a good team there. Any quarter-final draw predictions here? With Darren Frehill at the wheel we’ll end up with Kerry v Dublin in the quarters.

I’d fancy Armagh to give Kerry a right game, they’ve a nice goal threat about them

I heard on the radio that Dessie Cahill is on draw duty tomorrow

Armagh vs Derry would be good craic.
Mayo vs Dublin
Galway vs Clare
Kerry vs Cork (if allowed)

'Hon Armagh. I worked alongside a cunt of a subbie from Donegal in the 90s in New York. I’ve disliked them ever since.



Michael Murphy for player/coach for 2023. Where will he play himself though?

Time to bring back the prodical son!