All-Ireland Football Championship 2022

Who’s the lad on the left?

Colm Boyle


Colm Boyle and mcconville are very good. Spillane is a parody of his already cuntish self


Joanne compares Rian O’Neill’s all time masterpiece of a kick to Dean Rock’s free against Mayo. :rofl:

Mayo I think. Keith Higgins?

Ah that’s a definite square ball for Armagh goal number 1.

Spillane is a gimp

What was Comer doing for the first goal? Nearly a hindrance to the keeper

Galway goalie let’s face it.

Imagine the outcry if a garda started using pepperspray on lads having a row in a football game :laughing:



Anything could happen now

Rule is changed to when the ball in was kicked. No square ball


Could be a dozen cards here

Not a chance of a free by Conroy on Campbell for O’Neill’s monster kick.

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I thought so as well but it was completely glossed over. He was in there well before the ball.

Treat them like Liverpool fans in Paris :rofl:

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He is very slight looking, didn’t he only retire last year?

He probably is but they were hopping off him all day

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Fuck sake lads if Sean Kelly is sent off here it’s a fucking cod