All-Ireland Football Championship 2022

All the air is gone out of the game now. Two or three scores could win this in ET.

Comer targeted Grugan’s head there, filth.

Comer did give Grugan a dig to the head earlier.

That mayo lad on commentary is as biased as I’ve ever heard a commentator.

Great defending by Jarly Og

That Galway keeper is stiffer than me dead nan

Armagh sub keeper could be earning up in another 10

This game needs a pitch invasion from a Jack Russell


If Armagh could get the ball to a fresh player you could literally run the whole way through that defence.

Mackin has given away some amount of frees since coming on

Great character from Shane Walsh

Shane Walsh ramming it down the doubters throats.

Whatever happens, great to see 2 new teams on the scene as serious players

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Molloy clotheslined right in front of the linesman and nothing

Soft wan.

Armagh needed that score. Back in the melting pot again. It’s all gone very Mexico v Portugal in The Simpsons.

Coldrick fairly riding Galway tbh.

Bizarre and they made out he milked it. Was a clear clothesline.

Will they ever scrap that dose Spillane.

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The people need pelanties here

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