All-Ireland Football Championship 2022

If there was a galway wrong doer id say it was comer. The armagh lads seemed to be going after him at the start of the row

Hope this doesn’t fall flat now like after the Corofin/Kilcoo row at full time in the club final in 20.

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I wonder will Armagh leave the blade down? Worked well for them tbf.

I say grounds for far more afterward. Youd get years for that in rubby


Course they will

Come on Armagh.

He mightn’t even be a player.

I’m throwing my support behind the macnas lads now

The fact he didn’t dish out a hape of yellows means a lot of those involved could face retrospective bans.

After what happened with the three hurlers the GAA will be desperate to come down tough and make the bans bombproof.

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That’s a free out

He gave the gouger a punch.

Armagh lad in swimming goggles here

Kelly just confronted the gouger but didn’t strike him or anything from what I saw.

Honestly, there didn’t seem to be much in it until the eye gouging.


Galway should have all come out wearing protective goggles

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The irony of the Armagh lad having eye protection


You’d do well to compose yourself for this as a player

Kelly was very hard done by to be sent off there, to me he looked to be peace keeping during the fight, he’d a chance to throw a dig at the eye gouger and just gave him a telling off. I didn’t see the eye gouger get his commupence at all?

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Cian O Neill must have a bag of those goggles he used to use, that he could get out