All-Ireland Football Championship 2022

The Galway sub rightly lamped him, Kelly will get off

Come on Ashkayton

With the ‘contributing to a melee’ rule you could ban 20 players.

Just seen the gouging, 6 month ban incoming for that fella.

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Jesus lads that was fucking mighty

You can’t just make up rules and send off the captains

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Those Armagh fans are some cunts.

Cheerio ye fucking pricks


Unless he bears the brunt of the fucking around with the appeals process in the hurling.


Classy as ever from Galway.

Come on now Mayo

Headquarters will take a philosophical view now that bans will hurt galway more than armagh. They’ll do nathin

Unless Kelly did something after, I thought he showed remarkable restraint.

I don’t know what Nugent did either, the worst Armagh incident bar the gouging appeared to be an Armagh sub getting revenge on the fella who bate the head off the gouger.


The day could be about to get a whole lot worse for Mayo fans now.

Bad enough to see Galway win but then to exit the championship themselves…

I think we can all agree that 31 counties will be behind Derry in the semi-final.

Can’t wait to see the camera phone footage

Tough luck if you were on them trains and not for the match :joy:

The whole country is behind Galway now :clap::clap::clap:

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Ha there it is!

A Galway Mayo final would tear the fabric of the universe.

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