All-Ireland Football Championship 2022

Most of us will be in the holiday homes in the Algarve.

You should get a ‘free Tiernan’ tshirt made up and tuck it in to the wranglers next Sunday.

Most of ya’s will be selling them come the recession in a few short months time. Lap it up.

Is gouging assault or not?

Ta. Just grabbed some.

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Poking a fella in the eye is unlikely to end up with you arrested, unless you poked the eye out of his head or something

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He joined in a row that had nothing to do with him. Comer’s arms were held and this tramp came in from the side and tried to scrape his eyes. If he had dirty long fingernails like @gaillimhmick who knows what damage could have been done. Tramp won’t be prosecuted so cancellation is the next best thing.

Isn’t there a lad currently working on national radio in Ireland that eye gouged a lad on the pitch?


The job thing is utterly appalling and actually a bit worrying if that’s the way society has gone. I thought the same tbh of the Michaela Harte song thing. I can’t comprehend morons like that, but going after someone’s livelihood from behind the printer is all kinds of wrong.
I do think he should be banned for a season. It was absolutely disgraceful. The fact he didn’t inflict serious damage was by luck, not design. Believe me, I know. I’ve seen it happen.


You need to relax here.

I’d say there’s more than one.

But sure they all did that bar the two players who started it off.

Missed a Lions tour of South Africa because of it. The ultimate punishment!

You can use that argument for driving absolutely steaming drunk

I think you need to consider more than just effect. Taking your logic, there would be no prosecutions for drink driving unless accident and injury were involved.


Great minds…

There’s legal precedent all the way back to 1949 for criminal prosecution before a court of law of assaults of a sufficiently serious nature on the sporting field. There was a Joe Cregan convicted and imprisoned in a Circuit Court trial for assaulting Limerick hurler and future Fianna Fáil MP and MEP, Mick Herbert.

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You’d have to worry for lads seeking criminal prosecutions for acts on a GAA field whereby no one actually got hurt. Its a very dangerous road to be going down for any sort of organisation. I presume lads are just ballhopping here.

Duncan Ferguson got three months in Barlinnie for headbutting a Raith Rovers player on the field when he was playing for Rangers.

yeah but you could say the same for any sort of red card. If someone swung at a player and missed should he get the same ban as someone who swung at a player and connected? Regardless of the intent, the damage inflicted will be a serious consideration to any sort of suspension.

Similar to drink driving so. If you get caught drink driving, you get a ban. If you cause an accident whilst drink driving you will get a bigger ban. But both were drink driving.

And to be very, very clear on this. None of this is absolving Kelly of a trampish act. He should absolutely get a big suspension, but the over the top reaction to it and saying he should be criminally prosecuted and lose his job is why I interjected here. He will get a suspension, and it should be 3 months minimum in my opinion. He was seriously lucky he didnt do more damage. That was his only saving grace.