All-Ireland Football Championship 2022

Kelly will surely be cleared. Sure you can see the Galway sub inexplicably attacking his own man from this angle.

@Mac has questions to answer here

The Plaza Group love a bit of gouging, be it of the price or eye variety.

as I said, 3 months minimum, but if he got 6 I wouldnt be shocked nor have much sympathy for him.

If he had done serious damage to Comer or that he couldnt play on, then yes, a prosecution wouldnt be out of the realms of possibility.

As it is, the media and fan over the top reaction, highlighted by Catherine Martin and the 5 year old she knows who must have supersonic eyesight to have seen the eye gouging at the game, is just that, over the top and unnecessary. By all means condemn the man and let him get his suspension. Leave his job and criminal proceedings out of it.

Unfortunately, the GAA rulebook can be something of a nonsense when it comes to meting out the appropriate punishment.

It will most likely be a time-based suspension if deemed a Category 6 infraction or conduct discrediting the association as those infractions carry stiffer penalties than one or two game bans.

Kelly is currently sidelined with a blood-clot issue and Armagh are out of the championship. Their club championship is unlikely to start anytime soon, so a 3 month suspension, for example, would be largely ineffective.

What should happen, although it’s not catered for in rule, is a fixed penalty of, say, 10 games at club level and 5 at inter-county for such behaviour.


Fair enough, in fairness.

I think anything to do anyone’s eyes is crossing a big line.

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Yep, a scuffle of dragging, pushing & shaping.

The gouging apart it was pantomime

I like Keegan, he has moxy.

Mayo after that are cunts

Why wouldn’t it be starting anytime soon?

Suppose be 20 suspended for a few months

The suspension/disciplinary rules section is just another added bonus to fucked up rule book

Cc @Cheasty

Jesus Mike.

The frightening reality is they’re not


I agree with all your earlier post except length of ban. It’s a nailed on 6 monther if not 12. Especially fact he wasn’t actually playing and it was on Joe Duffy and the front of the star. 3 months is for drawing a boot on a lad and kicking him up the hole in a junior match.


One month and force him to watch Mrs browns boys on a loop for 24 hours is sufficient.

It was a moment of madness. No need to destroy the guy I’m sure he regretted it immediately.

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The one other bad bit was the Armagh sub goalie getting one of the Galway players in a McGregor style choke hold thing on the ground at the start of it all. That was cuntish and quite obviously intended to draw a reaction and get yer man sent off

You make it sound like a mistimed tackle. All he regrets is being caught. A tramp and there must be a breed of a tramp in you if you’re defending him.

You’ve said enough, in time you’ll see the error of your ways

Aren’t you the guy who cheerleads a serial biter luis Suarez ? Come off your high horse. The lad made a mistake.