All-Ireland Football Championship 2022

That’s a lovely little stadium they have down in Cork.

Disappointing to see Kerry players diving here.

Trampish hits going in here from Kerry

Kerry by 2, 0-9 to 0-7 at HT. proper nawtiness on display

That late hit on Hurley was thuggish. Don’t know how all the officials missed it.

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Referee is fucking pathetic

Shocking late hit. He coulda done serious damage. Even the two O’Se’s looked embarrassed about it

They should sub in Mulhare

The fix is in for this year.
Hope Dessie’s iPads have factored it in

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Great to see Roy at the game.

This game is dripping with bile

A Cathedral of Carkness

Sean Powter that is embarrassing

It’s looking fierce well. The trees on the left give it an air of affluence. Those middle class suburbs of Cork’s southside are very nice.

Cork within one! The ambush is on in Fortress Flower Lodge.

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Cyril getting giddy there.

Cork will win this


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Looking forward to the fight when it starts

Paul Earley is easily impressed methinks

You can’t beat a few trees in a ground. It’s not quite Newlands Cricket Ground in Cape Town, but impressive enough in its own way.

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