All-Ireland Football Championship 2022

We should did extend the county season for another 6 weeks for more of this fare. No wonder the GAA have this game hidden away.

Dublin will be odds on for the All Ireland by 7pm tonight.

Kerry have had harder training sessions.

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“Easy peasy” say analyst McStay

Seriously lulling Kerry into a false sense of security here

Josh looks injured

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Josh looks like he has old style mikasa gloves on

That was some free from Josh Ryan in fairness.

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Sean O’Shea can even make a fisted point look semi-skilful. What a player.

Sooner provincal championships are gone the better. Total mismatch.

Awful pity they didn’t put this up against the Champions League Final

It’s not like back in the old days when Limerick would have always fancied their chances against Kerry.

Anthony Brosnan will be hooked at half time.

He has missed 1-3

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They used to do better than this. Gap between the top 6 and the rest has gone huge.

Winners try harder.

We had a better team then. This is just a team that works its socks off and is well organised

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Short kick out on one side and concede the kick out on the other. You’re giving yourself no chance of ever competiting.

We’re not here to takeover, we’re here to take part

Looks like a huge crowd in to see the giddles in Croke Park. Must be at least a thousand. Helped no doubt by their match finishing up over an hour before the chaps kick off.