All-Ireland Football Championship 2022

Today feels set to be one of those marquee days in the famous stadium. Kildare are ready.

Great to see the Support For Drummo logo being on display today.

McCarthy at 7 and Small at 5 just feels all wrong.

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Helpfully just keep ticking along today with another improved performance, few more lads getting minutes under the belts and avoid any injuries.

Should be well set up then to give it a crack

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I heard a rumour there was 8k tickets sold for the Munster football final and based on what’s in the ground so far I’d believe it.

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You’d need your head examined to pay 40 euro in to see it.

You have to admire the ignorance and arrogance of Jack O’Connor

It’d be great if Limerick could make Pat Spillane sweat a little anyway

looks a bit more than 8k now???

The Limerick fans jeering a Kerry wide :grinning:

Limerick getting some patronizing from the lads on commentary

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Kerry be happy enough let limerick dick around inside their own half in this heat

We have the cunts where we want them

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Which one is we and which ones are the cunts?

Kerry are out of the zip here.

Come on Limerick always

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Hon ta fuck Limerick!

Limerick having some amount of useless possession here.

15 behind the ball and still spaces all over the place

Low ball to Josh Ryan might not be the smartest strategy