All-Ireland Football Championship 2022

She’s alright in fairness.

Don’t fancy listening to Marty and McStay for this game

If there is one piece of infrastructure Ireland needs it’s a Shinkansen style high speed rail link from Dublin to Clones that could be used on Ulster final day.

Failing that, a bus service would do.

Hopefully there is a camera on Rory Gallagher for the game

McStay thinks if Derry score goals and don’t concede any they’ll win. Cutting edge stuff :rofl::rofl:

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What the fuck?

Traditional Ulster butchering of the anthem. :clap:

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Off to the BBC

Why was there a piano accordion?

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Six minutes in and it’s already everything we hoped it would be.

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Under 28.5 points @8/11 is already paying out.

Keeper punching it, fuck sake

savage stuff

This is fucking abysmal even by Ulster championship standards.

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Classic Ulster fare.


Game over.


Corner-back slipped.

Great to have this cunt seething too.

Should have been played with the other 2 provincial finals yesterday. Unfair on these lads to put them on after the Connacht final and have the inevitable comparisons made.

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