All-Ireland Football Championship 2022

In fairness cooper was a handy enough footballer


I’m never got much of a look at his face tbh, just his arse disappearing into the distance.

The sort of lad youd meet while you’re racing back and he’s dandering out after scoring

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No shame in being cleaned by Gooch

Sad to see that the traditionally subtle genre of wind up known as Yerra has become victim to the age of performative, over the top absurdity.

Look at it this way, he only would have scored 2-1 if he was one footed

That’s an excellent point :+1::+1::+1:

It would have been a far bigger achievement to score all the team’s points.

Rumours abound that the dual star is back in vogue in Dublin GAA.

Aye, I broke this months ago

Go on…

He thought Con was going playing hurling :grinning:

What happened there was a nawful act of betrayal by a certain high powered GAA official against Dublin hurling people.

Was this the lads losing their shit about Cons whereabouts in league after he twisted his ankle agin Roscommon in a friendly …it was fascinating to watch the Muldoon conspirators…

The premier journalist in the country throwing out another excellent piece cc @myboyblue

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Is that Seamus?

I don’t recall this being announced?

There’s something very endearing about Rory Gallagher and this current crop from Derry.


Gallagher hasn’t even gone home to change. Respect.