All Ireland Football Final 2024

Armagh stretch for home.

Galway could do worse than land one into the square

Actually there goes Comer. Forget it

Jaysus Tierney gone too

Galway are fucked, they need a goal

Delighted that Billy Big Boots spoofer Shane Walsh has been exposed, with his club in Dublin.

Great score from D’Arcy. A strong character.

D’Arcy keeping his head when all around him are losing theirs

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There’s plenty of time


Hon Askeaton

Well done mcdaid

They’ll do fuck all of it takes them that long to score a point

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Croke park is shaking

Ah hardly a “great” score, that should be bread and butter from that distance with that space.

Oh no. Not a free :see_no_evil:

No free. Never mind a yellow

Not even a free

After 5 misses in a row, in the context, taking it past the man to create the space, it’s a brilliant point. They needed it badly.

Fuck off Walsh man


Ah lads. Take the fucking frees off him FFS

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Let mcdaid hit them ffs