All Ireland Football Final - An Classico

Idiotic from McArthy

That’s McCarthys second red card offence


Oh Tom

Next score here could win it.

Kerry have fucked this away with their shooting

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Hogan Cup pedigree didn’t come through there

Take him off the cunt.

That’s ridiculous, have to take him on there

Kerry not taking the right decisions here. They look wrecked.

Fair few skyballs kicked today

Fitz on a yellow and he didn’t take him on. I mean sure, you’re a great point taker but fuck it, take him on you’d say?

Kerry blowing this

Kerry’s bench is worrying

Clutch from Fenton

Fenton sighting

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Dublin look to have more left in the tank alright

Great score Spillane

Paddy Small with a vital wan wan.

Small having some game

Filth from kerry