All-Ireland Hurling Championship 2019***

I thought the limerick subs were the 2nd best team in Ireland?

awful to see a lad in his 40’s using that kind of language “spastic, handicap, faggot”


As do I, you take a perverse enjoyment is identifying them

Probably our two best players in first half gone. Sad to see Bonner go like that. I didn’t think Brendan Maher would be back after last year, but it’s another year on the clock.

he’ll never play again

Clare Clare Clare

Tony Kelly is a Rolls Royce hurler

It’s quite pathetic

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Jesus, if he’s the best. And the fucking size of the tank on him.

Joanne hasn’t a clue

So you say

Gerry O Connor is embarrassing

Gerry ó conner is a dangerous bastard

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Burned in a fire when a child.

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its the one thing I didn’t like about kev, he used to be at it too

Sad to see from grown men

Tipp Tipp Tipp

That’s why everyone loves us.

He did the best thing possible for his side there

took himself as far away from it as he could

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Are you going to address real issue at hand?