All Ireland Hurling Championship 2022

Through keepers legs, at that angle.

I’ve said a few times this year that his shotstopping is pretty poor.


Lehanes goose is cooked already.

Still, at least Whelan did the right thing. Low & lot of pace, unlike O’Flynn who made it handy for Murphy. And Connolly too.

Hello 2019

Downey :joy:

What game is Dalo watching

The wides my eyes

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I regret mowing the lawn before this.

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I’m not criticising Whelan at all. Good shot on target, needs to be saved.

Sad thing is Galway are completely shite.

Standard between both keepers is day & night

Butchered goal chance

Ah Fitzgibbon

Bounced it too early that time.

Dalo reckons Galway are on top as Cork miss their third clear goal chance

I still think if Cork are within distance down the stretch they’ll win.

Cork have maybe 2-5 left after them at this stage

Fucking awful shots, first Connolly then that shite.

Cork should be shot with large lumps of their own shite for the way they’ve allowed this first half to progress.

The real Lehane back for the business end.

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