All Ireland Hurling Championship 2022

If TJ wasnt from KK heā€™d be getting JP Pro Am invites. Some stroke on him.

Not only is duggan stone useless, heā€™s as slow as a wet week too

How is he still inside? Put him out to HF ffs

This is like a challenge game

Rory Hayes trying to take up the mantle of the absent Tony Kelly.

You should hear them down in the ā€˜real capitalā€™. A co worker said to me after cork beat kk in the league, TOM would walk into the limerick half back lineā€¦ i had a good laugh

Billy did well there. Needed to go low with the final shot though.

That was a great touch by Kenny in the build up

If it was boxing it would be stopped.

Clare all at sea.

Cian Kenny having a Shane O Donnell of a game.

And Jaysus lads, I thought Clare were good

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David Mc has played a lot of ball but some space straight down the middle of the defence all day

The Simpsons GIF

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This is pathetic from Clare


Every long ball by Kilkenny is a potential goal.

It really was, heā€™s been excellent.

Heart goes out to the Clare lads, truth is unless youā€™re from Kilkenny weā€™ve all had days like this at some point or other. It fucks with your spirit but all you can do is keep coming back and try to fail better


Kelly is some shaper

Tony Kelly having a day like Declan hannon in 2013. Itā€™s amazing duggan isnā€™t hitting them at this stage.