All Ireland Hurling Championship 2022

Shefflin will have a savage motivation tomorrow now. Cody has put his balls on the table.

I stand by statement 2 of the above.

Cody and Kiely know how to time the runs

It’s been an awful championship


One swallow doesn’t make a summer

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Cowardly shit

Mikey Butler :clap:


There isn’t 50 thousand people in this stadium now

The Handshake III for the All Ireland final will be the boxiest of box offices.


There was like 40,000 there to begin with


Big asterisk against that now. Clare are very poor.

Clare must have more wides than scores?

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Who will that twat Derrick Lynch blame for this? The Russians?


20 scores and 22 wides by my count

Key thing is they’ve got their traditional music

Make that 23

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Why are they even taking those shots on? All game long, brainless.

Commiserations @twiceasnice97

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Not to take from Kilkenny but Jesus they had it all their own way there. Clare didn’t turn up at all at all

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