All Ireland Hurling Championship 2022

That wide sums up galway

If ye had a couple of more scoring forwards, ye would have a decent team.

Oh I know about Deegan, just thought he seemed reluctant to take a shot on his right earlier.

A free and they just thump it into the square. This isn’t even 2000s hurling it’s 1990s

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Galway have been absolutely septic in the second half


Cody’s Kilkenny now = Harte’s Tyrone 2013-2019.

Dogged as fuck, consistently there at the business end, grind out wins they shouldn’t, liable to be completely taken apart by a top team.

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Nah, we need a solid midfield pairing more than anything.

At the end of the day lads, you’ll always bate Galway with your cap.


3 in a row for Kilkenny. They are some team in fairness.

I said Shefflin would be a disaster in Galway. No better than what went before him

Whelan is class.

You’d really have to wonder why Fahy was taken off when there are a fair few anonymous figures out there.

We’ve a leader in the full back line and a leader in the full forward line and fuck all in between. David Burke well past it has done more the last few minutes to drive it that Cathal mannion has all game


Davy Fitz is the only answer to the Galway enigma

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Kilkenny are showing how bad they really are by actually wasting time against a Galway team as bad as this.

Great chance for a big day out for the team that gets to hockey Kilkenny in the semi final.

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How did concannon last this long

Henry will get a lovely god helpus handshake tonight

Tis falling lovely for Cork again

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Cody is class tbf, he makes it stick.

Kilkenny will be in the All-Ireland final.