All Ireland Hurling Final 2020 Limerick v Waterford - the * All Ireland

True Mike, I canā€™t see anything other than a runaway and resounding win for Waterford by a point or 2.

You beach the cars with a reckless abandon thats to be admired brother


Iā€™m absolutely sick of driving atm to be honest. Normally love it but the mileage has been serious lately. Iā€™m not goin6 near the fucking thing until Monday

I havenā€™t driven more than 20km in almost 12 months Iā€™d say

Thatā€™s the other extreme. That wouldnā€™t suit me either

Alright goldilocks


Look at kid, for counties like ours, these kind of days only happen a few times in a generation. Thatā€™s when you have to let the inner child out and fuck the curtain twitchers.

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Iā€™m making an essential journey to my spirit home.

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I wish I could say the same but flying to the Black hills Mountains in South Dakota isnā€™t on at the minute.

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Waterford by 10

Corbyn for next taoiseach

Arra, shur lookit. Itā€™s nice just to be there.

The Limerick lads being condescending now I see

Itā€™s alright laz. All ireland final day is for everyone to share.

You can bask in our glow for the weekend

Galway are in the real final

Iā€™ll be rooting for ye.

Ok. Iā€™ve better things to be doing now than going down this road with you. Enjoy your weekend

We are going to do it

Whats wrong buddy? The last time we chat you wanted to flash your mickey at me

Whoā€™d be up on each side of it went to penalties? Whoā€™d even be still on the field?

Gillane, Byrnes, Lynch, Casey, Quaid?

Bennett, Gleeson, Barron, Oā€™Keeffe, Fagan?