All Ireland Hurling Final 2024 - The Tony Kelly Final

They don’t have rugby league in the Olympics do they?


Just as well, he couldn’t play hurling and rubby in the one tournament.

For such a knowledgeable poster your loyalty to Eoin Murphy is mystifying. Yes, he is the best shot stopper in hurling but his puckouts are pre historic, because of this, NQ is number 1 in this generation.

Murphy was probably the fifth best keeper this year after Quaid, Collins, Quilligan and Fanning.


I presume Murphy hits the puckouts he’s told to hit. The same way KK lamping shite ball into the forwards, while idiotic, is clearly the plan

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There for once, as very rarely, we will have to disagree. But civil and creative disagreements are surely what these discussion fora are for.

PC and EQ made a fair few straight up mistakes. Puckouts are highly important, yes – butt so is not having to source four points off superb puckouts so as to overcome a needlessly conceded goal. To me, EM is certainly ahead of them in 2024. Not sure of another compelling figure other than NQ.


Yes. I think you are correct. Alas, DL has proved not an end to the later BC era but far more an extension of it.

To be honest, i think Mark Fanning was probably the best keeper this year. He didnt make any clangers like most keepers have done, he made some really good saves, typified in the Clare game, saved penalties, scored points from frees and play and was surprisingly good. But he wont even be named or considered, which is fine, a team knocked out at the quarter final stage playing barely above average wont ever come into consideration. Much like many were espousing Lee Chin as a potential hurler of the year after 3 rounds, he did the sum total of fuck all in Wexfords biggest 2 games of the year against Kilkenny and Clare so wont even get a nomination of an all star

Quilligan unlucky id say, but quaid for me.
He’d be in the Olympic team cc @balbec

Murphy got an all star for one save last year, granted it was unbelievable tbf.

I’m with @Malarkey on this.

Eoin Murphy made an unbelievable save off Aidan McCarthy in the semi final this year that went completely under the radar.

This mid range puckout thing is also going out of fashion anyway as most teams now just want to boom it down as far as possible.


I’d say Lar could barely contain his laughter when he was typing Johnny Murphy for ref performance of the year.

He is suffering for sure with what’s in front of him. Kilkenny don’t have the monster ball winners they had in the old days. Quaid has a brilliant puck out, but there was a time around 15 or 16 people were questioning his puckouts as well. Having Tom Morrissey and Gearoid Hegarty on the move helps a keeper no end.


Okay, plenty of fair points there. MF certainly was much improved this year.

Well… That save was quite possibly the best one of the clear footage era. Brendan Cummins made that truly incredible save from Paul Flynn – but off his backhand side. What EM had to do, in a split second, in order to make that save off forehand side was mindboggling…

Compare Murphy to Quilligan even who can regularly ping his half backs and midfielders plus has been very composed from open play. Take the vital point David Fitzgerald got in the first half of the all Ireland where he pings it through the eye of the needle.

Murphy doesn’t have that in his locker.

I don’t disagree but you’d think a fella with his hands
Would develop it.

I’d say Cody wasn’t pushing him.

Cody is well gone now and he hasn’t developed it yet so it’s either him or management or both. Quaid wasn’t always so good on puck outs, he worked on them and developed it.

I have no quibble at all with your core observation here.

My point would be that EM’s development was stymied by Brian Cody. I recall the round robin tie against Wexford in 2018, an awful game, in Nowlan Park. Both BC and James McGarry were gesticulating angrily on the sideline at EM to go long with puckouts. This craic was a farce – and ended as all farces end as per second half of 2023 AIF.

Yes. And not just not “pushing him”. Actively stopping him, as I noted there now to @endakenny.